my water jar
06 December 2015
New Website
03 November 2013
Sight Word Activity
We've decided to keep him in Prep (kindergarten) for one more year, and I am really looking forward to it. He is a very bright boy but he is currently at the bottom of his class and because we want him to learn things like leadership skills and to build confidence...being frustrated with his work isn't going to help that. So we told him that his dad and I thought that since he is such a good encourager and teacher (which he is) we thought it would be good for him to do prep again so he can help out the kids just coming into prep. He thought this was a GREAT idea and is really looking forward to be able to do those things next year.
One of the areas we have had trouble with is sight words...he had 100 words to know by the end of the year (he couldn't recognize his alphabet at the start of the year...which made this very tricky) and he currently knows probably around 20. But he loves to cut shapes out of paper and tape them together to create different creatures and so I came up with 'Sight Word Creatures'

Then we mounted it on a piece of paper and I had him write the word himself. This all worked better than I had anticipated. It took him a couple days to complete because he got distracted with some other things, but when I asked him to write the word on the piece of paper we mounted it on he was able to do it with no help from me, he was also able to recognize it in a book we were reading when I asked him. Now I'm looking forward to replacing our wall of alphabet letters into our wall of 'Sight Word Creatures'. And his sister couldn't help but assist in showing it off (you will probably also notice he had a haircut between when he started and when he finished!)
06 October 2013
'You of Little Faith' vs 'Faith as small as a Mustard Seed'
“Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”
I had originally read this scripture in the NKJV (enjoying that one at the moment)…but the NKJV says “Because of your unbelief” compared to “Because you have so little faith” in the NIV. So I went back to the Greek and found the word is ‘oligopistian’ which is literally ‘little or low quality faith’…which implies the disciples had SOME faith, but just not enough to do the job…but wait…Jesus goes on to say “if you have faith as small as a mustard seed… nothing is impossible for you”. (The mustard seed being tiny, Jesus is implying that you only need a little faith) So what’s the difference? Was Jesus splitting hairs?? Did the disciples have faith, but just not quite in the amount the size of a mustard seed?! Of course this seems ridiculous…so what’s the difference between the disciples ‘little faith’ and what Jesus calls ‘faith the size of a mustard seed’?
This is what I found (sticking with the NIV):
In regards to ‘little faith’ - Matthew 14:31 - when Peter walks on water and then begins to sink – “You of little faith (same word as in Matthew 17:20),” he said, “why did you doubt”
In regards to ‘faith the size of a mustard seed’ - Mark 11:23 - “Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes what they say will happen, it will be done for them.” (see also Matthew 21:21)
So what’s the difference? Doubt.
When we have faith in God that does not doubt, it is so potent that even a tiny little bit (the size of a mustard seed) is enough to do the impossible.
Next question…how do we have faith that doesn't doubt? It seems to be that it’s not just as simple as deciding you are not going to doubt (I tried).
One thing I found in John 20:27 in reference to 'doubting Thomas'
"Then he said to Thomas, 'Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.'"
It is interesting to note that when Jesus tells Thomas to put his finger in Jesus' hand, the verb is in the present imperative. The present imperative in Greek is described as a call to a long term commitment. Jesus is not just asking Thomas to touch his hand once...he is in fact commanding him to a way of life - to a continual action. And once Thomas touches his hand, Jesus commands Thomas to a greater intimacy of placing his hand in Jesus' side...again an habitual action. After these two commands, Jesus says to Thomas "stop doubting and believe."
It is when we are actively abiding as a way of life, in the one who gives life, that we then have the ability to stop doubting and believe...
19 September 2013
Water into Wine - a study
Throughout Jesus’ ministry he heals loads of people, feeds multitudes with a little bread and some fish, and yet, his very first miracle to reveal his glory was to make a beverage!
I figured I must be missing something and so I endeavoured to do a bit of study and see if I couldn't grasp some greater meaning that I was missing…and I found a few things so I thought I’d share for anyone who is interested and may have felt the same about this miracle. This is not an exhaustive study, nor is it the final say, it’s just some things I've found and thought I would share.
The story is recounted in John 2:1-11 if you want to refresh your memory.
(Scripture quoted in NKJV)
It is important to firstly note that wine is used to describe the blood that Jesus shed on the cross.
So here we have a wedding. Weddings are used in the bible as an allusion to the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus uses weddings in some of his parables. The Church is the bride of Christ…I could go on and on.
Next we have “six waterpots of stone, according to the manner of purification of the Jews.” (v.6) that Jesus has the servants fill full of water which he then turns into wine…
For those who are interested in the significance of numbers in the bible, six is the number for man/labour and leans toward imperfection (this is not sound doctrine so you can disagree if you like, but it’s pretty widely agreed upon…you can Google it if you want to look a bit more into it).
And so these six stone waterpots get filled with water, the Jewish custom for cleansing, and get turned into wine. They begin by representing the Law, the traditional way of purification but when Jesus is finished with them, they represent the new covenant.
“Then he took the cup (of wine), and gave thanks, and gave it to them saying, ‘Drink from it, all of you. For this is my blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.” (Matthew 26:27-28)The servants then draw some out and take it to the master of the feast as directed by Jesus and the master of the feast drinks it and says… “Every man at the beginning sets out the good wine, and when the guests have well drunk, then the inferior. You have kept the good wine till now!” (V.10). Just as the wine Jesus made was better than the first, so is the new covenant better than the old
“For the law, having a shadow of the good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with these same sacrifices, which they offer continually year by year, make those who approach perfect.” (Hebrews 10:1)
I believe this is just scratching at the surface of what is in this part of scripture…but it has given me a much greater appreciation of Jesus’ first miracle and my mind is buzzing at the significance that is oozing out of it. It is the perfect miracle to represent what Jesus had come to the earth for…For all those who are willing to come to the wedding feast, he offers to imperfect man with his substandard way of doing things, the opportunity to be transformed by his blood. This miracle showed that Jesus was about to usher in the new covenant...I wonder how many people at that wedding missed the point as badly as I always have...
10 September 2013
Prayer Life
I’d like to go through a little exercise for those who are willing…
Think of someone in your life who inspires you in your walk with God. Someone who encourages you to do better and move forward. Someone you love to hear from because they almost always add something to your life. It doesn’t have to be someone you know personally.
Now, imagine this person said they wanted to stay at your house with you for a week to help you to grow and work with you in your daily life to encourage and teach you.
And so this person comes to stay with you, but you have to go to work and you tell them you have a party to go to after work which will probably go quite late so don’t bother waiting up. When you get home from this party that person is awake sitting at the table waiting for you, but you are exhausted and so you say goodnight.
When you get up the next morning that person is already up sitting quietly waiting for you, but you just remembered you have to meet someone for breakfast so off you go…and when you get back a few hours later you are so full from a big breakfast you sit down and turn on the TV.
This goes on in a similar way all week and at the end of the week you have a horrible day at work and when you get home and see this person waiting for you, you get angry and say:
“You said you came here to help me grow and to be there for me and I feel like I don’t know you any better than before you came. We’ve barely spoken while you’ve been here, and I’m certainly no better a person with you than without you!”
Now, of course this is completely ridiculous for obvious reasons…but this is what we do to God. I found myself crying out to God one day “why do you feel so far away?” I was going through a rough time so where was God?And I realized it wasn’t that He was far away, it was that I hadn’t been taking the time to spend with Him…and yet I found myself blaming Him for his distance. The truth is, He is there ALL THE TIME just waiting for us to make time for him…