08 April 2009

My Water Jar

OK, so here goes...my first post...why am I nervous?? I never thought I would blog. I'm one of those people that won't do something just because it's popular. I didn't wear burkenstocks until people stopped wearing them, but I enjoy writing and this is a way to get myself to write.

I chose the name 'My Water Jar' for my blog because of the woman at the well. She put down her water jar to tell people in the town about a man she just met named Jesus...so for two reasons I chose the name. One, because I hope that what I write can give water to the thirsty. I'm a Christian so that will be reflected in what I write. If you don't like it, don't read it. Two, because I plan to do some study for my writing and I hope that will fill up my water jar. One apology is that I am horrendous with punctuation...so if you are good at it...I'm sorry.


Chris said...

If you don't like it, read it anyway, she's a good writer ...

Shawna said...

Thanks Chris :)

Joyce said...

Thanks for the reminder that God is always there. His agenda usually isn't understood by me. I was just reading John's account of the Good Shepherd. I was struck, at the time, about the fact that the Shepherd went before the sheep and they followed because they recognized His Voice. I was wondering about that...recognizing His Voice...was God walking before you, is that why you didn't see Him when you looked behind?
Love you...keep writing!!!

Unknown said...

Actually, your punctuation wasn't half bad. :) better than Chris'. (sorry honey) I was thinking of going into editing at some point. Don't know when...I am always finding mistakes in the books I read. Weird.