25 May 2009


5am Friday I found myself wrapped up in a big wool blanket. It took up most of the room on the passenger side, but we had to keep blasting the aircon to defog the window and my thermostat is very sensitive. I had pushed a pillow up between me and the door so I could get at least a little sleep after leaving at 2:30am. We were going to leave at 3, but Matt couldn't sleep as usual before a trip, so we decided to leave a little early.

As the sun began to rise we found ourselves basically in the middle of nowhere making our way down the dusty roads marked in places by the odd cattle station. It was brilliant.

There is such a marked difference driving down a dirt road than driving down a paved one. The dirt road makes you feel like you are a part of the scenery...all 900km of it. It's refreshing and relaxing, not to mention there isn't much traffic. Seth enjoyed the trip as well. I was amazed at how well he handled it.

Longreach itself is wide and flat and brown with the same colour river running through it. It made me really appreciate where we live on the coast and all of its green and water. But it does have a sense of beauty in its own way.

Matt spoke on Sunday at the church there (his little sister is the Chaplain at the high school there and a part of the church) and did an excellent job...I may be a little partial seeing as he is my husband, but I know good when I hear it.

Monday morning we headed back...this time at 1:30am...this time Seth wasn't sleeping. But it was perfect timing as we found a most gorgeous place for breakfast just as the sun was rising. We had never even heard of the place.

It was quite a tiring trip as Seth sleep very poorly while we were away, but we went away to bless others and despite our tiredness we came away feeling much more blessed ourselves.

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