13 August 2009

Road Trip – Part 2

3000 klms down, and unknown klms to go.  We’ve been on the road now since the 5th of August and have at times looked at the road map and just pointed at a place to go…whatever looks good on the map…I don’t know that I’ve ever felt so free.  I do at times have trouble just taking it in and enjoying it for the experience that it is.  I keep asking God what the purpose of the trip is, so it’s good for me to have to just take things as they come.

We have seen so much of God in this trip in all the little things.  At one point we were driving down this dusty dirt road behind a big truck and we couldn’t get close enough to it for the driver to see us behind because of the dust.  I asked God if he wouldn’t mind giving us the opportunity to pass, realizing that it’s completely unnecessary for God to do so.  A few minutes later a truck came the other way and caused  the truck in front of us to slow enough that we could get close enough for him to see us and let us pass.  Then a few minutes later the tire blew out…. Its a bit ironic, but then, as stated previously, we flatwere blessed in Clermont by getting our new tire bought for us. 

I got the opportunity to ride a horse while in Clermont which decided it didn’t care to have an inexperienced rider and it threw me off.  I’m a bit sore but nothing serious.  It was an unusual experience because I had gone out with some women from the church so as I lay on the ground gasping for breath I had these two women praying for me and laying hands on me asking God for healing so I just relaxed and let Jesus do his thing.  I don’t know that I’ve ever felt so peaceful in a situation like that.

We moved on from there and spent a night in a tent on the side of the road which was good, but then the next night we ended up in Emmaville on the tablelands of NSW and spent the night in a caravan park in our tent and the temp. got down close to freezing that seth night!  It was painful to say the least.  So we decided to move on to visit some friends in Newcastle and slept in a very warm bed…and now I’m sitting in their living room with borrowed big fluffy dog slippers while Matt is taking Seth for a walk.  We are headed down to Nora Head next and then probably up to Kempsy area and then onto Brisbane.  We still have no particular plan that we need to follow and it feels very energizing, I would highly recommend it.

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